NDIS for Mental Health

REEF Occupational Therapy is able to provide mental health services on the Mornington Peninsula to plan and self-managed NDIS participants who have ’capacity building’ funding available in their plan. The National Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides individuals who are experiencing significant ongoing physical and psychosocial limitations with funding for supports and services. REEF can provide plan and self-managed NDIS participants with:

  • Functional assessments and reports.
  • Interventions to support ability to work towards their stated NDIS goals.
  • Review reports and recommendations.

Fees are charged according to the most up to date NDIS schedule.

If you are wanting to apply for the NDIS we can support you with this by completing assessment and reports for Access Requests and Initial Planning Meetings.

Additional travel charges apply for home and community visits. Travel costs are charged according to the most up to date NDIS schedule.

NDIS for mental health
NDIS for mental health

Registered provider under the Medicare Benefits Schedule. You may be able to access a rebate for sessions through Medicare’s Better Access to Mental Health (BAMH). You will need to talk to your doctor to see if you are eligible for this.

If you are a client with TAC or Workcover they may be able to fund sessions. You will need to discuss this with the respective organisation. We will also seek written funding approval prior to the provision of service.

You may be able to claim sessions through your private health insurance provider. Please contact them directly to check your level of cover.

Please contact us for current pricing in relation to occupational therapy mental health services.

Costs for Occupational Therapy Driving Assessments

There are two separate charges involved with the occupational therapy driving assessment. These are:

  1. Occupational therapy driving assessment – includes the off-road assessment, on road test and report writing for VicRoads Medical Review.
  2. Specialised driving instructor – includes provision of the instructor and a dual control vehicle for the on-road test.

Additional charges would be involved if you require an on-road re-test following specialised driving lessons.

NDIS for mental health

Fees are charged according to the most up to date NDIS schedule.

Fees are charged according to the most up to date pricing schedules.

Please contact us for current pricing in relation to occupational therapy driving assessments.